Friday, June 28, 2019

Trusting God's Word

Please forgive me for getting off the mark in any of this blog.  Thank you.

Please use the Bible version you prefer.  I personally use NIV, NKJV, NKV, NLT,  ESV, and NRSV as my go to Bibles on my phone or computer.  I read NKJV while at church, and NIV while reading at dialysis. Some Bible verses are easy to read in one version over another, and it is okay to compare and see the different wording.
Dear Friends & Readers,

Hello!  Another weekend has come, and Friday evening has rolled on in.  Sundown will be at 8:38 PM this evening, and I have dialysis in the morning for 3 ½ hours.  My week at this end has been very good, and I have looked forward to this weekend coming for the past few days.  I do have to admit that looking forward to Friday and Saturday the past few weeks, since May 7, I have been back from the hospital May 6, 2019.  I was disappointed and anxious.  Now, this week for the first time, I am happy to see Friday and Saturday come. When I began doing some reading of devotions, begin courses at Our Daily Bread, and saw my boyfriend and his mom after I got back from dialysis Saturday afternoon, I have realized that I needed to trust God a lot more than I have in my past.

Today I read Brenda Walsh Ministry Devotion of the Dayand it is titled “Trust God’s saying to me and I am titling my blog “Trusting God’s Word”.  Okay, here it goes…

Trusting God’s Word
The Bible is the very place we can go to learn on how to trust God.  In trusting God, we go to God through prayer, read the Bible passages that show us God can be and is trusting and a trustworthy being.  He is the One who created the heavens and the earth, the animals, and our first couple Adam and Eve who later became our first parents.  The Bible can take us to times of struggle, tribulation, joyous and great times, and show us what we need to do to trust God in every aspect of our lives.  Yes, the Bible has 66 books and the chapters can be quite long in some books, but God’s Word are stories written by people in the days before and after Christ, and today all the verses are read during sermons at church by pastors, church members, and those who share their testimonies through music and song.  Think of Psalms.  They are poems and songs in today’s world that were written by those who got to know God and Jesus before and after Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross because people wanted to have him killed so they did not have to hear him preach anymore.  Just like today, there were evil people before, during, and after Christ died on that cross.  Genesis, from the old testament through to Revelation, from the new testament tell a story about people.  Now, we can read about those people, and wonder who we pattern after spiritually. I have to figure who I pattern after yet.  Until then, I have to trust God and continue reading the Bible.
            The Bible is a great place to learn how to deal with stress, anxiety, panic, disappointment and so on.  Also, when we make a decision in our lives and want direction, we pray about it and wait for God’s answer.  Now, waiting can be awhile and that is where we need to learn to trust God as he shows us the way to go.  It is hard.  I know that for a fact because I am one person who can be persistent and impatient at times – maybe most of the time if I am not feeling up to par emotionally and physically, and definitely not feeling very good with a cold, fever, or an UTI.  Believe me. When anxiety and panic play their cards, I am on a rampage on what is causing my anxiety and panicking because I do not understand why, or I want it done right now.  I do have to admit that my ability to pray to God for help then is not focused.  I lose my focus on what I should be doing instead on what is causing my anxiety.
            Ever since May 7, 2019, I have been dealing with a struggle in my life.  No, it is not trusting God. It was dealing with my mixed emotions about not being able to attend church.  Today is the first weekend my emotions have not raged negatively.  I am happy that Friday has arrived.  I got out of my stubborn streak and let it go.  Now I look forward to the weekends coming.  I have found a way to be with God at home daily.  My struggle there is over.  I have allowed God to take over by sharing with Him my feelings, thoughts, and moments – whatever they may be.  I have learned to trust God.
            Do you want a personal relationship with God? I do.  I want to abide His wishes and I know now that He has a plan for me. At one time I wondered if He understood what I was going through when I was really sick in 1987 and needed a kidney transplant.  I was only seventeen years old and a teenager who did not understand God’s plan for me then. In order for me to continue to trust in God, I need to continue reading the Bible, read devotions, hear stories and testimonies of other people, to know that I am not alone in the world going through something so traumatic, scary, necessary, and needed.   I want that relationship with God.  It is that important to me.
            In2 Tim 3:16the Bible is saying that God’s Word can be trusted in the way of giving inspiration to us through God as doctrine, for reproofing, for correction, and instruct us in how to be righteous like Abraham, Noah, Moses, and of course, our friend Jesus who is in heaven right now preparing a place for us.  In Ps 9:10the verse is those who know Jesus will not be forsaken when they put their trust in him. Isn’t that an awesome verse?  I think so and I love this verse.  It is one of my favorites today and always. When we put our trust in God, we will have peace when we keep Him on our minds at all times.  That is what Isaiah 26:3 states in my understanding of the verse.  In Ps 37:4-6, I have found this verse a little difficult to understand immediately.  From what I understand, we are to delight in the Lord everyday of our lives and he then will give us the desires of our hearts as commit ourselves to him he will allow our desires to come to our lives.   He is the light and he will show that we are going in the right direction towards righteousness.
            God wants us to have a relationship with him, to trust Him, and to believe in Him.  It is so important to Him to have followers and believers.  Yes, Satan will want his followers and believers, too, but Satan is not going to have me following him.  I am here to follow God.  I may have been through a lot in the past 48 years to get to where I am today, so I am not going to throw away what God has done for me now.  I have reached the point in my life now to understand that I am here for a reason.  I was not the perfect daughter, granddaughter, or whatever relation I am other family members, but I can say that I am loved by many and God Himself.  He has put me in the perfect place where I need to be, and I have to trust Him fully.  We all need to trust Him fully although many have turned away from Him, do not know Him or care to, do not believe He really exists, or have just not understood.  I pray for everyone.


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